Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Feed the Children Team - Relentless I tell ya!

1200 boxes divided by 24 people = 50 boxes a piece! That's a lot of boxes!

On Saturday, October 30 we rocked Feed the Children by pumping out 1200 boxes of food. This isn't just food for anyone, but those in the Michiana area. When the people of GCC gather together in January to distribute food, it will be all the more special knowing that their student ministries helped boxed them with a whole lot of TLC.

John, Noah, Gabby, Grant, Ashley, Chris, Jackie, Rayne, Shelby, Tara, Lilly, Becky, Emily, Beau, Kasie, Andy, Hilary, Evan, Zach, Karen, Lisa, Carole, and Zeke... thanks for giving it your all. Not once, did you guys moan or groan. When it came to packing boxes, you were relentless for five hours... zowee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was an amazing day at FEED the CHILDREN...I cant wait till we go back!!
