Monday, October 24, 2005

In Her Shoes

You know, sometimes it's great just to hangout with your mom. They need that sometimes... you need that sometimes. I have a great, great mom...and aunt...and sister. We decided to do a chick flick together tonight. Unfortunately, my brother-in-law busted his wrist big time racing at the speedway today, so my sister had to make a last minute run to the hospital and couldn't go.

They had picked the movie, and had I checked the website, I might not have gone. It scored pretty high (6 out of 10) on the sexual content for a PG-13 movie. However, after seeing the movie, I'm glad we went.

Basically it's about two sisters, one very successful (she's a lawyer) and the other definitely not (she jumps from one relationship to another - that's the junk part because they show some of that). They have a major fallout and the lawyer sister kicks her kid sister out of her apartment. The kid sister then goes down to Florida to live with her recently discovered grandmother. While there, her life is transformed. She leaves behind a life of lying, stealing, drinking and promiscuity when she realizes her life has meaning and purpose. I won't go into anymore details, but watching a life be transformed on the screen... or better yet in real life through a relationship with Jesus and by discovering how God wired you (your SHAPE as we talked about on Wednesday)... is just about the coolest thing in the world.

There are many more lessons in this movie about betrayal, forgiveness, sisterhood and how a learning disability can affect your self-esteem if you allow it. It would be great if an Oasis student who's SHAPE is producing movies would one day resurrect this film without the inappropriate scenes. The value of expressing Biblical principles by painting a picture using the arts (movies, drama, paintings, music, etc.) is powerful. I'm glad I go to a great church were we do just that.

Well, I gotta jet. I'm heading off to the hospital to be with my sister while my brother-in-law has his wrist operated on. Why go? Because sisters just do that for each other. Pray for him. He teaches guitar for a living... you need good wrists to do that. Remember, family matters... you matter... Jesus matters.

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