Sunday, October 30, 2005

That's One Big Sundae & That's Not Chump Change

$2,180 - That's some major green!

When I posted about the 1200 boxes packed at Feed the Children, I forgot to tell you that we also had the opportunity to give Alan Jones (the son of Larry Jones, the founder of Feed the Children) our check for $2,180. While the 7th grade pulled out the win for most money donated, collectively we all have reason to be proud. The money will enable over 15,500 pounds of food to be delivered to hurricane ravaged areas. Hungry people will be fed because of you my friend. Way cool!

Over 100 seventh grade students feasted on this 100' sundae! The prize for the victorious seventh grade students who collected the most money for Hurricane Relief Efforts.

1 comment:

Lindsay Mak said...

That is AMAZING!!!! Times like these make me wish I was a leader again.

P.S. You rox my sox off!!!

P.P.S. Let me know if you need any help at at upcoming girls' overnighter or party or something. I loved all of those when I was in Oasis.