Monday, January 21, 2008

Great Quotes from One Night with the King

1. Scene: Esther being given necklace…
“Like you, its true treasure etched within.”

2. Scene: Vault where jewelry is stored and ladies get to pick.
“How is one to choose when they know not what impresses the king. Will you teach me?”

3. Scene: After she reads to him and tells the story of Jacob, he shows her the sculpture he is working on.
He says, “His arms will hold the bow, his arrows tipped with love.”
She says, “Some archer’s arrows are tipped with poison my lord.”
He says, “Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference, the symptoms are the same.”

4. Scene: Jesse wants her to leave, she refuses.
“Perhaps instead of asking questions of our trials, trials are meant to ask questions of ourselves.”

5. Scene: Esther’s time before the king.
“I was taught that when you visit a king rather than expect a gift, one should bring one to lay at his feet. (Gives necklace) This is my most valuable possession in the world. It is my past, present and future … and all of it is yours.”

“If it is for sale, it is not love.”

“The only gift I will accept is your heart.”

6. Scene: Talking to Jesse and Hagar at night in her bedroom, right before she goes to the king.
“Who knows whether you have come to the palace for such a time as this.”

“David’s victory came not because he fought well but because he believed well.”

7. Scene: Last one at the banquet.
(Regarding necklace) Very identity etched within me.

I saw the stars.


Unknown said...

I love the movie and I also love the quotes that you have specifically chosen. Thanks for posting them!

LKP said...

this is my most favorite movie of all time! thanks for the quotes. my fave is when she states that our trials are meant to ask questions of us. hits home every time! =)