Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Weird Sad Stories in the ATL

The wintry mix tonight, along with the cop killer on the loose, cut our numbers in half but it was not without the bizarre story. In our 02 Group, we had two new kids ... Moses from Nigeria and Nilton from Saudia Arabia. The boys are in the states for major surgery on their esophagus. Both of them, for unknown reasons, drank acid. One of them has had 26 surgeries in the last six months. So, the doctors are going to take part of their colon and graph it into their esophogas ... weird ... sad. Both are really cool kids, one is being adopted by the couple hosting them in the church.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our numbers were low tonight, too. The weather is bad and the wonderful week of finals at school brings out the "student" in our students.

Man - I pray the Lord miraculously heals those two young men so that God can receive glory.

Oh, and I just pictured you and Jeanne standing at the window watching people Ooh and Aah at the snow and it made me laugh. I wonder what a day in the office with you two would be like...

LAST THING - Just had a wonderful lunch with Gabe Mills and his wife in Chicago. Andrea and I met up with them when we were there last week. Cadre in Chicago...