Saturday, March 15, 2008

Are you ok?

You know it's good to be loved ... no, let me correct that, it's great! I received a ton of phone calls and emails asking "Am I ok?" We've had some pretty wicked weather here in Atlanta, that's for sure. I would say that Indiana weather is slow and long (like when a snow storm sits on top of you FOREVER!) and Atlanta weather is fast. The storms in recent days raced through here! It hailed so hard last night that I thought my car was going to have new found dimples, but it weathered the storm (too bad it didn't weather the rock the semi shot at my window the night before on 285) .

It's been a tough couple of days. Today we had to let one of our MC student go for significant poor choices. She was one of my favorites and has leadership giftings oozing out of her. I got the chance to talk with her right before she left for home. I hope she heard me. She seemed to, but the days ahead will say for sure.

Then, tonight we cancelled our 02 event "Find Your Leader" because of weather. Thay take their weather a little more seriously than we do in Indiana. I did get to hang with my Mexico Back2Back team for a couple of hours today. We brainstormed stuff, cooked a Mexican lunch together, then watched August Rush for fun. I had a teach time deal I was going to do, but the meeting took place right after the MC student was let go, so the timing seemed off.

Well, that's been my weekend in a nutshell, along with Cadre prep.


Rhonda Redman said...

Sorry to hear your week was so tough.

I was thinking about you yesterday morning, when I turned on the news around 6 am. It suddenly ocurred to me that I had no idea where you actually were located in Atlanta and I'm betting it's a pretty large city.

Anyway, glad to hear that you're OK. Know that, along with the ton of people who did contact you, there are many more back home that also had you in their thoughts.

Love ya!

Bridget said...

I'm glad you are ok, Judy.

Terrace Crawford said...

Glad you are ok Judy.