Monday, March 03, 2008

Board Meeting #3

I've been a part of three board meetings in the last 2 1/2 weeks (not to be confused with the business meeting). Today and tomorrow is Youth Leader's Coach. I must admit that I've enjoyed all three ... but particularly this one! The people on Jeanne's board are AMAZING and I mean AMAZING men and women of God. We have four new board members joining us and they ROCK!

The dreams these businessmen and businesswomen have are INSPIRING and are going to catapult YLC into the future. What transpired in the board meeting was nothing less than a miracle ... it's every ministry leader's dream. Thank you Jesus!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always enjoyed Board meetings. I tend to look around the table and see the people there as pieces of a puzzle. Everyone brings a unique perspective and their own resources and ideas. I love watching those individual pieces come together as one incredible picture.